Bury Me With My Fly Rod
The unvarnished truth about fly fishing
By Dennis Dauble
Nonfiction, 214 pages, 5.5″ x 8.5″
ISBN-10: 1096465965
ISBN-13: 978-1096465966
Retired fishery scientist and award-winning author Dennis Dauble shares his lifelong love for fly fishing and the great outdoors in his newest book “Bury Me With My Fly Rod: The unvarnished truth about fly fishing.” Dauble, of Richland, Wash., relates a host of stories from his experiences fishing the streams and rivers of northeastern Oregon.
Dauble’s tales begin on Couse Creek in Oregon where his love for fly fishing was born. He can vividly remember the day he received his first fly rod and the way it made him feel. “I recall feeling like I had won the lottery,” he said. His story goes on to describe insider fly fishing tactics learned from years of experience.
Dauble tells a variety of stories, from battling the “Mike Tyson” of Couse Creek, to time spent near his cabin in the Umatilla River canyon, to forays in quest of steelhead on the Deschutes and Columbia rivers. “Bury Me With My Fly Rod” also shares humorous accounts of sticky situations, and how to get out of them – such as, how to avoid landowners on private properties, teaching your wife to cast, learning the ropes of fly fishing and how to make the perfect huckleberry cream pie.