
By Robert Carson

Nonfiction, 550 pages, 8.5" x 11"
Softcover, full color

ISBN 978-1-879628-85-4

“There is no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end.”

If the famous statement that helped formulate the science of geology can apply to lives, it surely fits in the case of Robert J. Carson – whose lifelong calling as a geologist is inextricably tied to his love of nature, the outdoors, and all of the Earth. As he tells in this memoir, it was a love kindled from his earliest childhood and has led him to a life of adventures in the farthest corners of the globe. From mountain climbing to whitewater rafting, exploring canyons and caverns to merely hiking amid natural beauty, he shares in his personal story a zest and appreciation for all of the natural world ... in a way that shows no prospect of an end.

Robert Carson is the author of multiple other titles of natural history spanning diverse regions of the Inland Northwest. Check these titles published by Keokee Books:

  • The Blues
    Natural history of the Blue Mountains of northeastern Oregon and southeastern Washington
  • Many Waters
    Natural History of the Walla Walla Valley and Vicinity
  • East of Yellowstone
    Geology of Clarks Fork Valley and the nearby Beartooth and Absaroka Mountains
  • Where the Great River Bends
    A natural and human history of the Columbia at Wallula

Price: $38.00

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