East of Yellowstone

Geology of Clarks Fork Valley and the nearby Beartooth and Absaroka Mountains

By Bob Carson

Foreword by Don Snow; photography by Duane Scroggins
Nonfiction, 184 pages, 11" x 8.5"
Softcover, road logs, bibliographic references, full color with 138 illustrations including photos and maps

ISBN 978-1-879628-38-0

East of Yellowstone invites the curious into the dramatic geologic beauty of the Clarks Fork Valley just east of the world’s first national park, as guided by geologist and professor Bob Carson. Featuring beautiful images by photographer Duane Scroggins, this book is essential to exploring the geology along roads and trails outside Yellowstone National Park.

East of Yellowstone explores one of the most fascinating natural theaters in the world and interpret the fascinating geologic story of the terrain east of Yellowstone National Park, including the nearby Beartooths, Absarokas and Bighorn Basin of Wyoming and Montana. Five road logs steer readers over the Beartooth and Chief Joseph highways and adjoining roads to vistas of rugged mountains and scenic valleys. As the mileposts tick past, the remarkable history behind the enigmatic Heart Mountain detachment, Absaroka volcanics and Pleistocene glaciation unfolds. Full-color maps and an amazing collection of photographs enhance this story of the ages.

  • Five road logs with maps covering some 166 miles
  • 10 topographic maps with trails outlined
  • 121 color photographs and 7 geologic maps
  • Historical sketches and tips for recreation

Robert J. Carson is Phillips Professor of geology and environmental studies at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in geology from Cornell University, a Master of Science from Tulane University and a doctorate from the University of Washington. His interests are in the earth and environmental sciences, and his courses deal with resources and pollution, human interaction with the biosphere, glaciers, volcanoes, water, landforms and natural hazards. A whitewater guide and a member of the American Alpine Club, he has led field trips in Africa, Eurasia, South America and throughout North America. His other books include Where the Great River Bends and Hiking Guide to Washington Geology.

Praise for East of Yellowstone

“A testament of beauty … an ode to history, geologic and human, in the midst of ecological splendor, written and photographed by one who pays attention to all that is enduring, dynamic and vulnerable.”

Terry Tempest Williams, author of Finding Beauty in a Broken World

“This book illuminates the dramatic geologic features and rich geologic history centering on the Clarks Fork country just east of Yellowstone Park.”

Kenneth Pierce, Ph.D., coauthor of books on the geology of Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks


“A robust and highly engaging portrait of the geological history and features of one of the most fascinating natural theaters in the world. This book will absolutely enhance your understanding and appreciation of the Greater Yellowstone region.”

Charles R. Preston, Ph.D., founding and senior curator, Draper Museum of Natural History, Buffalo Bill Historical Center


Price: $25.00

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