Call Me Crazy: Adventures of a Psychic

ISBN/EAN13: 1532782373 / 9781532782374
Non-fiction paperback, 224 pages; 6" x 9"

Marsha has been a psychic with integrity for 35 years. She has traveled all over the world lecturing and speaks three languages. She has appeared on ABC, NBC and CBS as well as several radio shows during her spiritual quest. Her accuracy rate is over 80% and she specializes in timelines of when events will occur in your readings.

From Adventures of a Psychic: "When I lived in Mesa, Arizona an eighteen-year-old went missing. Police teams were frustrated because they could not find the body. She had gone on her first date. Sheriff Joe had summoned many psychics to try to solve the mystery and they were sending the police in areas I knew were not accurate. "I kept demanding that she was in Paradise Valley, a rich upscale neighborhood near Scottsdale. They reluctantly went there and found her body in a garbage dumpster. She had been badly raped and cut up in pieces. I felt relief since her family had been suffering for nearly 10 days not knowing where their daughter was. It gave them peace of mind knowing they could begin the process of closure in this horrific tragedy. "This was my first and last time-solving crimes. "The reason that working on crime scenes is so difficult is that I am an empath. An empath feels everything involved in the crime. I decided I would leave crime solving to the justice department." So writes author and psychic Marsha Lord in this riveting memoir that is equal parts biography, adventure tale and exposition of the intuitive powers she inherited from her grandmother and father. Her life experiences take her from Woodstock to Kent State to travels abroad as she shares her gift and insights. "Psychics are merely human beings with a special gift that they constantly give away," writes Marsha Lord. "It’s a chance for me to pay it forward."

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