Pocket Guide to Edible Plants of the Pacific Northwest

Including Their Medicinal Properties

By Dawn Trammell

Nonfiction, 152 pages
Softcover, Spiral Bound, 4.5" x 3.5", color photos

ISBN 979-9-218-38807-2

Pocket Guide to Edible Plants of the Pacific Northwest is written for hikers, backpackers, survivalists, medical missionaries, or anyone curious about the edible and medicinal uses of the local plant life. It was designed to fit into a pocket or backpack so one could always carry it with them. 136 Plants covering the entire Pacific Northwest with full-color photos of each! Included are the medicinal properties of each plant and how to prepare them for use in salves, tinctures, and ointments. For instance, if you are camping and get burned, did you know that making a paste/poultice out of wild violets or wild clover will heal the burn? Valuable information at your fingertips! (April, 2024 Edition)

*Not available for retailer discount

Price: $18.00

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