Through the Lens of History

The Life Journey of a Cinematographer
By Erik Daarstad
Nonfiction, 588 pages, 6.25" x 9.25" hardcover

ISBN: 978-1-879628-49-6

The author writes: "As I approached retirement after a long career as a cinematographer I thought I would try to put down on paper what my life and work had been like and tell about some of the people I had met during my journey.

From being born and growing up in Norway during World War II, it had spanned 80 years of parts of two centuries. From a young age I loved movies, the process of moviemaking and helping to tell stories. Doing mainly documentaries gave me the wonderful opportunity to travel and meet and work with many different walks of life, from presidents and celebrities to fishermen and farmers. I also wanted to share something about my wife and our children and our life together during the last few decades of the 20th Century.

Because so many things happened during the period that I was part of, I decided to weave many historical events and personalities into the story to give a sense of what the last part of the 20th Century and the beginning of the 21st Century had been like and the changes that had happened - for better of for worse. All of it had been very much part of my life."

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Price: $39.95

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